Since 2004 Terragon has been developing serious games for social good. We are pioneers of alternate reality and transreality games in Europe, blending online/mobile/live channels.
PlayReal, a massive multiplayer online and offline game (MMOOG). The first of its kind, and with just as unique a goal. To help create solutions for a sustainable planet.
PlayReal provides an online and offline environment where children, organisations, and other members of the civil society can engage in playful conversations to solve the world’s environmental and social problems. The game invites them to share and collaborate online and in the real world. The involvement of industry specialists, relevant organisations and policy makers bring expert knowledge to the game and help in carrying the solutions to the real world.
How does it work?
PlayReal is designed to combine four converging social and technological phenomena: Web 2.0, social networks, synthetic worlds, and semantic applications – all of this applied in a real world environment that is coupled to the online environment. An interactive narrative much like an Alternate Reality Game bonds a synthetic world, a social gamespace and a physical installation- the Geodome (a travelling Geodesic tent). All three spaces are designed to immerse the players in the narrative, as well as to provide an environment for interaction and collaboration among all participants. Game dynamics are used as mechanisms to encourage creativity and influence positive behaviour. In the problem-solving process, PlayReal players gain awareness of societal issues and learn critical real-life skills.
In MMOGs, tightly-knit groups of players forming clans work together to solve big epic quests and solve monumental puzzles. In the game, everyone is aware of other player’s skills and powers, and this proves essential. Similarly, PlayReal developed a social semantic engine that provides a mapping of players’ skills and knowledge to increase the chances of collective intelligence arising. Our engine will invite players (both youth and experts) to join when a problem is relevant to them. This way, we facilitate the creation of communities with multidisciplinary skills to solve the issue at hand, and we connect initiatives around the world with similar goals.
PlayReal uses the latest converging digital technologies to engage individuals and create communities with a common aim to solve societal issues. By involving all stakeholders, we help bringing the solutions into the real-world. PlayReal provides a new way to facilitate collective intelligence and collective action.