In 2018, Terragon developed a vision for the Tuinen van West that embraced a regenerative approach for one of its polders. We mentored six Masters students from Wageningen University to help frame and shape a regenerative design of this area.

A first step of regenerative development is to understand the “Story of Place”. A group of students dedicated their time to understand the interconnections in the natural and social systems, as well as the historical and cultural value of the area.

“Seeing it as an unfolding story enables us to understand the interconnected roles played by the plants, animals and insects around us, and to access the wisdom of living in place that they embody.” (Regenesis)

In 2020 came a follow up of this project as part of EU-funded project SURF (Sustainable Urban Regions of the Future). Based on this vision, we formed a cooperative with several entrepreneurs and local farmers from the Osdorperbovenpolder and Het Groene Brein, a network of scientists working on sustainability and circular economy.

This cooperative, Stadslandgoed Nieuw-West, is creating a collaborative ecosystem that supports nature and regenerative living in the context of multifaceted landscape planning.

This is an ongoing project, if you want to collaborate or participate please get in touch with us
